
Sunday, May 29, 2016


9/11 Families BETRAYED: Schumer Upends 9/11 Saudi Suit Bill at 11th Hour | Pamela Geller   see my comment to the article  I SPENT 2 YEARS TRYING TO GET SOMEONE TO LISTEN  to  stop 9/11/01 to no avail  and info is on each 9/11/01 anniversary on this blog site.

      But as Congressional hearings revealed over  decade ago the air was toxic after the attack and one who testified was at one time one of my doctors at Mt Sinai in New York City. Its one of the reports in my medical records from 1991 of my 1/10/89 toxic fume attack at work at the jersey City Teleservice Center which was the precursor to 9/11/01 and the HHS cover up and even 'black listing' of 90 federal employees before we even got to the hospitals indicates the horrific internal corruption inside our own government.  Our own third party law suit to reimburse the taxpayers is languishing in a court house in Hudson County NJ and as my attorney says its in a situation waiting on the federal government to figure up the damages and prognosis , etc. since 1/9/91 when it was filed timely.
            BUT THE INTERNATIONAL CABAL UNDER THE ONE RUNNING THE USA , NOW LYNN BLODGETT AND HIS OWNERS HAS DEFIED JUDGESA ND THE LAWS AND WILL NOT POST MY FILE SO THE REAL GOVT EMPOYEE CAN FIGHRE US THE FINAL COSTS PAST, PRESNET DN PROJECTED ON A CASE THAT WAS ALREADY ESTOBALISHED AND HAD BEOCME A PRECEDENT FOR OTHER WITH SIMILAR INJURIES AND SHOWS ONE DOES NOT HAVE TO DIE IN 3 TO 5 YEARS,  as those in NYC were left to do with little support and a big missed opportunity for medical research of a large group to help them and others in the future who are injured  with similar toxins etc. .and every one could benefit from that.
            And none doing  real illegal acts afterwards have ever been investigated  or prosecuted have they? Wait until the Saudi's attorneys began exposing who really did the on going horrific and deadly and illegal acts afterwards . and say they will not pay for our own on going government corruptions by allowing no government to even have power or authority to intervene.
         This law suit should accomplish what the white wash of the 9/11/ commission report did not do .To end with the laws we need to stop this internal corruption. We got the opposite done to us and things became even worse.  Cause actions to pass laws and rid our government of corruption and get rid of crooked contractors defying the laws and stealing from the people and having accountability in government and contractors as not too long ago we did have oversight and government could act and CONGRESS MADE SURE IT DID . .Never perfect but we had the ability to take care of the people's business and stop it.  And the media joined in the effort, now they do not seem to have a clue either what is really gong on as most of them are owned by the same cabal entities.


      After 9/11/01 the others of us  with toxic exposure injuries began to see all kinds of things being pulled by HHS to not even recognize that any one could be injured by toxic gases, fumes, chemicals, etc.

ITS BEEN CORRUPTION AT ITS WORSE  and the government would not even provide medical for those who were on the job officially at ground zero, let alone the others in the area who were entrapped in the area and had no way to move.

      Its well known at if there is no real medical care as the medical community has known how to treat since the late 1980's and new medication s and inhalers came out inn 3/89 which I was prescribed as soon as they were on the market I was even a patient of the doctor who headed up the research for the National Institutes of Health and her research is published,

            Sen Shumer and Sen Hillary Clinton had the 'bully pulpit; to make sure  what some studies say was 2 million who breathed the toxic fumes, etc. had the best and most up to date medical care. others in the public eye in power did also and did not peak out. One congressional hearing and the testimony of crimes committed like altering environmental studies by Christie Todd Whitman never ended with any criminal investigation at all and all deaths are listed as homicides now and that is still open for charges to be brought against anyone who obstructed things after the initial attack on 9/11/01 and those before I ran into . I did my legal duty and tried to stop it and the corruption was so bad , it was allowed to occur. .
CONTRACTING OUT THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT WITH NO ACCOUNTABILITY IS NOT AN ANSWER! that is a treasonous over throw allowed to occur is my opinion.
  And  as my doctors said it is home liquid or compressed oxygen from day one. Something I did not get for the first few years and was destroying internal organs as the EEOC sanctions against Sec of HHS Donna Shalala revealed as I was intentionally physically harmed  by her as she blocked oxygen care while working. It makes an invisible disability visible  doesn't it?. And I have permanent medical from the injury including home oxygen  approved for life and nothing over the back lash to deny the 9/11/ victims is my contention that  is in the over all policies passed and contracted out after 2002 with no civil or criminal over sight either. THIS LAW SUIT IS GOING TO POINT OUT THE CORRUPTIONS INSIDE THE INTERNATIONAL CABAL THAT SEEMS TO HAVE FINANCING FROM SAUDI ARABIA AND OTHERS. .  that affects everyone not just the 9/11 victims.
   The only interest of the federal  government might be reimbursing taxpayers for medical care that a federal program might have paid for. as such a federal attorney might be able to joint the suit? and any damages paid first go to pay back government medical programs like Medicaid , or Medicare or federal workers compensation, etc.  I am not an attorney so others would know better on that.
      But since Lynn Blodgett the  hired head of the real unofficial government of the USA now, has total control of federal as well as  state regulated workers comp now he is in defiance of 38 federal judges on my cases along. As since 2002 an international cabal of over a 150 companies has control of the USA , and records as govt contractors and Congress  defunded any internal oversight to know what they are doing with our public monies and rights and they are immune from criminal investigations and arrests also under that defunding . The SEC was defunded as many of this cabal are stock market companies and  this cabal of shell companies and illegal partnership deals makes a mockery of any anti trust laws also.  Every phase  and part of medical care is under one entity and one hired head. now.

Leaving the patients and their good doctors and other medial professionals as the only ones at legal , or life threatening risk. This one law suit is going to expose it all and some high level elected officials and inside the real government is not wishing to have their dirty deadly  documented deeds known

         Yet Congress has done nothing to correct a real OVER THROW OF THE GOVERNMENT

  And the right to sue the ones who appear to be the main culprits for 9/11/01 to even discover the whole and what and get to the whole truth have been denied that right by laws passed after our own lawsuit was filed back in 1/91 against possible same parties.

     There is a lot the media has not covered over the years and when it occurs at the federal level little every gets out on things going on as it does more openly at state and local levels of corruption in the govt.

      Our own toxic fumes overcoming us at 2 journal square, Jersey City 9th floor at a Hartz mountain Bldg was made a matter of national security according to Linda Tripp by Bush 41 and she could not say more when our son spoke to her back in 1996 and the next step taken by her was to buy a tape recorder and more history occurred that did little but distract Congress from taking care of the business of the people which is what Congress should have been investigating and not a stained blue dress as the voters had to know what kind of man, they were electing in 1992 and decided a womanizer was not something that precluded one from being president of the USA.
             The issue was the business of the people got sidelined and we are in wars today over this due to on going cover up of internal corruption that has us in this deadly mess we are in today and it did not start with Pres Obama but has gotten gradually worse over several decades and presidents instead of better. The 9/11 Commission was to have addressed what laws we needed to pass or what the government should do to prevent this internal corruption causing any more 9/11's and;
       I want to know if the 28 sealed pages include the attack on our office and if my missing blood and skin sample reports are in there as 2 in 2 different  US attorneys office  had affirmed there was an indictment in 1990 against a "John Doe"  as the real government did not know which  of the original or double of OBL was present in 1/89 who said  when he worked at out office, he was Osama Bin Ladin to 90 federal  co workers in 7/88  and my records were in the sealed indictment from when he came in in 1/89 to pick up his w/2 form and exited down a secured stair well where the toxic fumes soon began to rise from.  But I cannot get them. They were to have gone , by law to the New Jersey health department along with the hospital report that they had diagnosed a toxic fume exposure in NJ.  so they could be obtained by the patient with a subpoena. I was the only one of our office a;; black listed by the peer reviewers INCLUDING AXIOM before we even got to the hospitals, etc. for medical attention. Due to a mix up as to whom I worked for my chart initially listed Port Authority as my employer as I had had the AFGE  union insurance and someone apparently thought is was afscme's . while my co workers ,badly injured were being turned away with no testing, etc or treatment I was getting tested and being prepared for admission as I was near death and mucous membrane burned off whole body,etc.  When diagnosis came back as toxic fumes, then forms had to be filled out for the New Jersey Health Dept and then the corrections were made and I WAS SENT HOME  TO DIE AS WE FEDS HAD NO RIGHTS TO LIFE OR CARE AS OTHERS DO when I was being prepared for admission and full treatment. .  and did stop breathing, etc. and its all online here .
        SO LEAVING PEOPLE TO DIE IS NOT NEW AND THIS IS THE COVER UP THAT GOT US TO NEAR WORLD WIDE DESTRUCTION NOW. again.  how can any one vote for one who has done such terrible things to humanity. THE AVERAGE CITIZEN ON THE STREET WOULD SERVE THIS NATION BETTER IS MY CONTENTION AND ITS TIME SOME RUN FOR OFFICES AND WE, THE PEOPLE VOTE FOR THEM and not for those who have sold us out a long time ago for their own purposes.
  The US Constitution mandates " for the general welfare of he people and the security of the nation"
    Until we get 95% voting the rights of the people are going to be too often easily ignored by those we elect as big money not big numbers of voters are  the power makers.

       So as victims of 9/11/01 had hoped for delayed justice to get the whole truth out and some monies for harm done to themselves and their loved ones, some of us also wait for justice who have been harmed by this cover up and the precursors that led to 9/11/01 and stop the internal corruption that had been going on and covering up of the same ones since 7/88 when out  later sworn enemy of the USA was given illegal access to the financial records of every one with an SSN by Delores Bryant in 7/88 and HHS OIG would not stop it.  I name people , named officially in government letters and documents.. the blood of those spilled cries out for some kind of justice our legal system and government is supposed to provide to each and over one.

      The 28 pages sealed by the two FROM NEW JERSEY IN OFFICE AT THE TIME OF 1/10/89 when ours occurred, should have the real laws that need to be passed to stop another attack from out own internal corrupting influences and ability to cover up internal crimes of high level government officials able to do the cover ups. No one really knows what is in there, but I am hoping its the whole truth and that includes me and my federal co workers of whom way to many have died before their time from their injures with less than the small justice I was able to get by the tests  and diagnosis done within hours of the exposure. but hen denied medical care by those in power who SAID LET THEM DIE  and should be in jail for such an order . and spent years to this day committing rimes and obstructions against my files, and records and me and interfering with my doctors trying to just provide the care anyone else would medical receive. with similar medical issues.
     I have an established, non controverted,  case which went on to become a type of medical precedent case and NO ONE IN THE GOVERNMENT IS ALLOWED TO HELP AS THE REAL GOVERNMENT IS NOT IN CHARGE  SINCE 2002 AS OUR OWN ELECTED LEADERS HAVE ALLOWED THIS TO OCCUR AND HAVE NOT PUT THE GOVERNMENT BACK IN CHARGE TO PROTECT THE CITIZENS AND UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION THEY ALL SWORE TO UPHOLD AND STILL IS GOING ON AND NOW ANOTHER CHANCE TO OBSTRUCT JUSTICE TO ALL AND EXPOSE THE CORRUPTION INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THIS NATION IS BEING DONE TO US BY OUR OWN ELECTED OFFICIALS.  this is not just justice for those in NYC on 9/11/01 as all of us with similar injures have become caught in the back lash of obstruction of medical care  towards them that has affected all of us. as taxpayers have had to pay  for increased heath care costs, also.    My case has now become a precedent to allow a corrupted overthrown of ones government to LET HER DIE ORDER  to anyone in the way of stopping corruption. that is attempting to be carried out to this day against anyone else and me .  

          Just who do you think deserves the voters votes of the ones who have denied justice to our own citizens to have 'their day in court' and is it really Saudi Arabians who are scared of exposure or some who have been inside our own government all along who do not wish a law suit that exposures their own acts to LET 2 MILLION BE LEFT TO DIE! when the medical profession knew that this kind of injury without proper medical care can result in death in 3 to 5 years and  THEY WAITED!  while only some private donations were used and the full medial care that our doctors know what to do  was never fully given and the rest of us with similar injures around the nation found our own medical care obstructed with new rues and policies which DENIED ANY ONE IN THEIR MEDICAL CATEGORY .

       So this act that congress has allowed to occur, is not about just getting some money out of some Saudi Arabians. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS PRESENT AND PAST NOW RUNNING OR PRESIDENT  may have themselves exposed for things they did or did not do in an open court room where a civil trial has the opportunity to put the WHOLE TRUTH OF MATTERS ON OPEN DISPLAY FOR THE PUBLIC TO KNOW


Without some of the on line media, we, the people might not ever know much anymore. even though we do have to sift through a lot out there.

Linda Joy Adams 5/29/16

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