
Friday, April 29, 2016


Dad and Son Are Moments From ISIS Execution When... | Opinion - Conservative WE ARE TOLD IN THE BIBLE "Thou shalt not kill" We are also told that all will face an ultimate judgment day when out hearts, our intent will be judged. Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus says he will be our lawyer. IF we only ask HIM .

    I'll gladly say THANKS!

        Killing any human is a sin. But when is it justified? as the Bible hints some things may be? We hear about 'just wars' etc. But I do not think any human can say what is or is not justified at all. We do what seems to be right at the time and then at the judgment day, we explain why we did what we did. And if we are sorry we had to take a life to save others? that may be our defense.. Killing is a sin, but it will be up to the ALMIGHTY TO DECIDE IF IT IS A FORGIVABLE SIN. in the day of judgment.
      We may be asked to go to more wars very soon and Congress is going to allow women to be drafted also.  What are we preparing for all over? Natural disasters? or Man made disasters? or aliens from the planet X?
                          Can one stand up and say no if war makes no common sense?
     A lot of wars have occurred because a human decided to 'play god' and say its a just war when no human can say it  is. But we do have the instincts of survival and when that is attacked or others are being massacred  and we care enough to not let it occur, then we may have a situation where actions of killing will be forgiven at the end of time but only by the DIVINE HIMSELF. And each of us will have a lust of things we have done and be judged  for what we did.

The key word is JUDGE. And our heart, our soul: is what is judged in the matter. The repentant sinner is said to be welcomed by a merciful I AM WHO I AM. whose face is Christ and whose spirit is offered to be indwelling  in each one who says, I Believe.

The British soldiers who saved the lives of the two who were to be killed for believing, may well be forgiven and maybe some of us will even be allowed to offer support at the end of time, too. A "FRIENDLY BRIEF" SHARING HOW EVIL INTENT HAS FILLED THE HEARTS OF SOME IN THIS WORLD AND WE DID NOT WANT GOOD PEOPLE MASSACRED.

In all I have shared of what I am personally going through to stay alive up against real evil that is more hidden in the USA, I intend to be present when some are judged at the end of time, to say. what ever this person did else wise. HE OR SHE DID THIS TO SAVE ME AND MINE  so judgment may be weighed in their favor to show they did have a sense of right or wrong and a good heart for justice.

I ask no one to do anything illegal. But do plead that all the illegal behaviors cease and those doing this you already have 38 federal agency judges you are defying as we suffer in poverty when we should be able to live modestly but needs met to stay alive without the threat of 'let her die' by the one who now has ruler ship of the USA Lynn Blodgett. who is only the hired hand of a beast system already in control by actions of our own Congress in 2002 and since and some before as they were led by one now in jail for his perversions.
We are called to be smart and not be deceived and that HOLY SPIRIT OF THE TRINITY  is available to have in each of us to guide us to NOT BE DECEIVED AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN......
Its raining again!  So will close in case we lose electricity. An out of date power grid that cannot withstand an average storm is just one more thing that badly needs taken care of at home. the words AMERICA FIRST  HAS TO DO WITH TAKING CARE OF OUR SELVES FIRST BEFORE GOING OUT AND BOASTING TO THE WHOLE WORLD HOW GREAT WE ARE. WHEN WE CANNOT EVEN FIX OUR CRUMBLING NATION NEGLECTED AS WE LET OUR MONIES BE ROBBED BY VERY EVIL WE LET TAKE OVER
Linda Joy Adams 4/29/16

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