
Thursday, February 27, 2014


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 All the new computer systems is exposing some of the on going internal corruption? And right now its causing obstruction of medical care as medical providers can't get paid at ail lin the impasse betwwen the three three health plans I have; the two Dowyle has and the three a loved one has on my Federal Blues. Federal Blues is just posting a deinal as if the service was not covered instead of an inermim reply for medicare to be billed first. One can't tell why the denial and osme have thought the medical care was not being approved, instead. Not only am I exhausted but billing persons are too over all that has gone on and many still don't understand why the patient can't straighten out the whole govt's internal corruption. MEDCIAL BILLING SCHOOLS DON'T SEEM TO TEACH MUCH ABOUT THE REAL WORLD OF CORRRUPTION THAT HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR 20 YEARS WITH NO LAWS ENFORCED. So the reposnse hasbeen since the first indiciaitonf of HR 1063 being enforced is become a retaliation. that interferes with medical care By just denying theclim and not making it clerits not aobut the care, but Bues saying they are not primary becase THEY GET THEIR INFO FROM ACS-XEROX WHO NOW MANAGES THE INFO FOR NGS THE MANADGER OF THE FEDERAL PROGRAMS AND CEO IS LYNN BLODGETT. A VICIOUS CIRCLE CREATED WITH ALL PATHS OF INFO AND AUTHORITY GOING RIGHT BACK TO HIM IN EVERY AGENCY'S CONTRACTOR THAT HAS CONTROL OF OUR RIGHTS OF LIFE AND LIVELHOOD. tHEY USED TO BE MORE CLEAR THAT ITS JUST A KICK BACK TO GET THE CLIMS TO MEDICRE AND make them pay by altering offical reocrds per all the secert and often illegal deals and only having to pay a co pay. all of which are under the management of CEO Lynn Blodgett of Acs-Xerox. Who says there is no Federal workers comp becasue he has 14 years of oxygen claims not input and file not posted not even judges orders can be seem by my claims examiner. I'd love to retire but the law is clear; once injured with an established case it can not occur unitl permanent disability is done and the claims examiner at US Dept of Labor does this ( initially) and can't with out the files and they have to be reoonstructed and the appellate judges orders, we finally got in 2/09; said to do it and use my reocords and ask me for the facts as no one else konws. Injury date is 1/10/89 and for 25 years there has been on going illegal activity of destruction of reocrds, often after some things get processed and apaid and the policy nationwide is to have no criminnal oversght of on going internal lacks of security. The Philly office finally did but then we moved when my doctor said no more trying to work ever again and US Dept of Educaiton found me disabled and wiaved student loans based on Occupaitonal asthma, accepted at US dept of labor and the crookedness got sped up in retaliation for them doing this all over the place. The final answer was to let ACS Manage student loans programs now too. Lack of security policy, I have that direct from OIG Directors. and its been true through mulitple admisnistrations. The answer to the lack is let ACS-Xerox manage. Now that SSA's systems are eieng found unsecure from sources other than mine; how soon before ACS take over that program entirely? I linked a crimnal investigative reprot form SSa where just how unsecure it is where someone went in and paid themselves checks.( We were all assured this could not occur ever again as had by a few 'bad apples' when Micorsoft got the contract in 6/92) I've just had appeass ldeleted off the records And Hearing file disppeared out from under a judge and no hearing ever took place and my mediccal care suffered for it. Once an appeal is filed and entered its hacking to delete. Isn;t suppose to occur as a decison is to be made of some kind on every appeal. Mine just disappear as it dccuments corurptions inside the agency at the very top? So far the appelltae agency judges in agencies have had the wisdom not to turn their files over to ACs-Xerox as the lower judges have. We can recontruct the file with them and then they have to send all to Acs-Xerox and then they disppaer never to be seen again.Inclduing the remand orders so no one can obey the judges.

 For over a decade none of the medcial billing personnel in the Dallas region have been told hoaw to do a conditional paymemt to medicare as what the law has been t  since 1981 but not enforced since 1994. On cases jsut like ours. We are the typicl reson for the law as thnigs had gotten out of control then. With HR 1063 passed a year ago, reviving the enforcment with penalites against the offenders, some steps seem to be getting taken now. Singed into law 1/11/13. The Hippa law took over a decde and it doesn;t even cover govt contractros nor govt officials yet and that;s often where the major problems are and access is really needed as deaths and real harm have occured over errors and real malicous mischief both of which have occurred on my reocrds and no one cant get corrected even by the doctor who has no right to correct. . l

            In the past claims sent to Fed Blues first were logged in and a claim number given to the bill and then sent back and a copy to me saying they wanted to have medicare to decide first, telling the provider Medicare must pay first. instead. .

 What was occurring is that Medicare Coordination of benefits was asked to illegally change the official records they got forom the US Dept of labor on me and my parties on my Fed Blues and Judges say is accurate and their contract say they are not to be doing this at all. If there is any disagreements, there is to be no on-going obstructions and no hassles and medicare is to be billed coded a condidtinal payment and the then a recovery lettter sent. The ones in the past that did get sent went to ACS-Xerox and disappeared, not answered, and never seen at US Dept of Labor. Now the law can be enforced even against a govt contractor or govt official. The IT dept saidd the postuig is secured and judges say its accurrate So why doesn't ACS-Xerox want me to have workers comp? Most don;t understadn what the law does as its been ignored for 20 years and the collapse of the health care system is a direct result from my years of experience and knowledge as no one had to obey any ethics or laws in the claims processing areas of health claims. No ownder the ins industry wants trillions of dollars in a bailout.To pay back what they should have paid instead of Medicare? They want u to give the the oney to pay back what has been illegally gotten from Medicare over the past 20 years? Medicare really isn't broke. The actuaries didn't figure it wrong at all... they were counting on the govt to stop some of his blatant theft. Medicare has a generoous 'safety net' but its been abused for 20 years and can't continue. Its for those who have a lengthy time of litigation to be approved so health care may be provided and paid for by some entity. That's why the other form of conditonal pay must be enforiced. YES MEDICARE IS TO MAKE WORKERS COMP PAY BILLS ALREADY APPROVED AND MEETS THE USUAL MEDICAL CARE STANDARDS FOR ONES ACCEPTED INJURY DIAGNOSIS. In my case where already approved and types of treatment paid for in the past and that includes the liquid oxygen. When ACS-Xerox tells Lincare and Rhema they can't send claim to them, and ther contracts with Acs-Xerox over ride my riht of life; then they have no way to file to get paid as they have to file, ,wait 120 days is the understood time to hear. And them they can go ahead and bill Blues and Medicare and then recovery letters sent and they were ignored in the past. MY life is still held together by Glue and gorilla tape and when this tank goes, so does the right to breathe and live. And so far we have one gas company that will stil fill a tank for an individual patient.

I've known this recovery precess to only take a few mnoths and all the shenanighens and illegal behaviors ceased. Often OIG gets involled to review for criminal prosicutions and their losing the right to paticipate in Medicare at all can really bring an end to all the horriible things that are going on for patient and for those trying to get paid taking care of us. I've seen the law work well and it reduces costs to the medical privders as if there is any problems medicare pays and if coded right neither the patient nor the doctor, etc is laibale for any overpayemnt as all this should never have been allowed to occur. and has been for over a decade in this region. for us. RIGHT NOW WE patients and our good doctors, etc. ARE CauGHT IN A REAL TUG OF WAR BETWEEN THE LAW AND THOSE NOT WANTING TO OBEY IT AND GET OUT OF PAYING THE BILLS. Its cuaght some in the govt unawares as those like me, trying to sound the warnings as our lives got caught in the balance and documenting it have been cast aside as those in charge seem to be 'in on it."

In other regions I have had no problem callinc CMS Regional offices and getting right through to the person who understands how to code a conditonal payment and they were 'shocked' when I told them what was going on in this region.In Dallas they have had no idea what I am even talking about even as a of a few weeks ago. Not even down to a few days ago? I can'tt speak for all regions, but insiders say there has been a problem in Florida also. Lots of Medicare cards down there?

 So one bill of a loved one has not been paid for almost 6 months caught bewween the Blues and medicare. Then when a billing person sent it to medicre it got in the very moment that The system was accurate ( beore alterd sson after psoitng in an illegal automated alteration since 4/90 and it kicked back saying Blues was primary. She was asked to call me by The partner of medicare to ask me ( she didnt realize this) to commit fraud and change the records to me being retired. Sorry, I can't change a strick ferderal workers comp law and I don't thnk any injured workers would want to be 'retired' if they get injured and can't get back to work and find they they have been 'retired' before they have been awarded permanent disability. CEO Lynn Blodgett is blcocing this proess as no one at workers comp is allowed to see my file and process my request e peneidng for over a decade , nor even since 2/09. He old them there is noting to do on my case in 2009 as he held remand rders to the contrary and they can;t offically see them to do anything. Even if I faxed or mailed it to the regional office, ( I have) the mail room has to send it on to ACS. THAT'S CONTROL OF THE GOVT. ITS A REAL MODERN FORM OF A COUP D'ETAT OF NOT ONLY THE USA; BUT THEY HAVE DONE THE SAME IN MANY NATIONS. WATCH OUT CHIMA DONT LET THIS HAPPEN UNDER THE NEW TRADE AGREEMENTS. .

 I am so tired of explaining to over 200 medical providers in this region that I can't do what the govt itself has been unable to do and stop the illegal acts of their own 'partners.' whom they chose to not have internal audits of and not enforce the laws. No one wanted to know even when I got the evidence. 'They just 'scratched ther heads' and seemed unable to understand or want to?

         So I pray that CMS will contact DC and find out how a conditional payemnt should be coded aand not use a phony medicare number as Cigns Govt Services did to pay and them was the only one who did send the paid oxygen clis on for recovery. That because CMS in Dallas had no idea? how to do it? New 'cloud' systems should shut down or expose these illegal offline ones used for yeaars to by pass all security and undetected by outside suditors they were able to hide these practices from? as anything goes and so does the public's monies. Insiders say there is over a trillion dollars owed back to medicare over laws and rules and govt contracts being ignored. Its about 5 million on our records to be recouped and that's inclduing the 4 million Trailblazers sent to? by creating 17 claims for one using this hidden offline system and the 500 named witnesses said on many others who helped doument this over two years at 1-800 Medicare. Now General Dynamics say they are not to see nor report fraud although their contract says they are to do it and the fraud reports on a 'partner' is to go to DC and never did. on thousands of reports I was told were filed. All I got is retaliation and phones blocked so I have to go not gasoline fumes at the truck stop to call them. I must suffer severe asthma attacks to do OIG's job? When the owners found out what a great job the call centers had done for the taxpayer Vangent sold out to General Dynamics. . Obviusly they didn't think getting caught was in their interest. Now its worse then ever. ?

Since our home phone lines are blcked from calling 1-800 medicre and MCOB, also I have not done the daily tracking. And My medicare .gov is programmed to hide this illegal activity. Most have no idea this may have occurred on their records and that they or their estates are liable for the overpayments and they need to file form SSA 632 on this with SSA ws the agreement in 2005 and DO NOT GIVE FINANICIAL INFO AS ITS A WAIVER LIKE ON A STOLEN CREDIT CARD. We can't enforce the laws, can we? , My was even set up on a pnony claim number and assisstance is needed to take it down and stort over on my csae. But only the intermediary partners can see the offlne system and Novatis may not be doing the mulitple payments but they ARE NOT DOING CONDITIONAL PAYS AT ALL AND NEITHER IS CGS NOW A PART OF TRAILBLAZER'S PARENT COMPANYY SC BLUES. TrAilablazers had USED phony CLAIM numbers, AS ALL HAD DONE FOR ONE PAY ) created by altering suffixes on ssn's. 4 posible ones on ones own ssn and possiblty of a hundred or so on a spouses These older systems have a limit of how many fields could be enterd and that may be the only reason it wasn't 400 million. You may never know this occurred unless you happen to fall into the info as I did 2/1/08; when one billing person was told by the partner of my claims number had been changed to a phony one. I affrmed this with other billing people and it wasn't just on me this had happened. Lying is common place in all of this by Partners of mediciare entrsted by ther govt contracts to uphold the laws and protect the publics monies from illegal actiivty,. The naivety of osme govt emplyees is astouding. A public affiars press offcie at HHS perosn asctually told me tis week that 'THEY SIGN AN AGREEMENT ' And I said and who enforces the agreement? No one right no and not for 20 years. Then nice people get hired and trained to do wrong and are caught in the corrupted mess needing a job just like e'veryone else' needs one in such times as we have today. TE TUGH OF WAR IS TERRIBLE WHEN I END UP IN THE MIDDLE AS I KNOW BETTER AND KNOWINGLY LYING IS A CRIME TOO.

No monies are approppriaeted to do criminal investigaitons and its not been easy to find out what contractrs do what and FOIA equests go unanswered to even get the contract info, yet its our money being spent. Most are not even allwed to say who they work for and lie and say they work for the agency and one even said she was a federal employee and wasn't I found out later in the day. THAT'S A FEDERAL CRIME TO NOT GIVE THE CORPORATE NAME AND HEADQUARTERS ADDRESS, What if either side in a criminal trial wanted to subpoena the person I spoke to? One needs to have the basics to even send the subpowena to locate and few will give a code number so they coudl be identified if needed? Fraud lines are not serious about stopping fraud when the bssics of a criminal invesitigation are not followed. I am not an attorney but I have ocnducted fraud investigiations in the past and I was not trained this way at all.

GOLDMAN SACHS THE GOVT'S FRAUD INVESTIGATIORS. I made 2 callss to Goldman-Sachs subsidiary who takes the fraud infor for both Fed Blues and for Medicaare now. so these reports go nowhere, I filed to report CEO Lynn Blodgett as the source of authority for Blue's misdeeds and of course his company hae chargre of signing up medical providers and suppiers as a partner of medicare on the same fax number used to file federal workers comp bills in Talahassee Florida. TALK AOBUT A CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND HORRIFIC TUG OF WAR GOING ON FOR ANY ONE TRYNG TO GET MEDICAL CARE OR PROVIDE IT. He is basically in control of your doctor, etc. I brought them up to date on what I had learned ( am legally required to report and e mail is not working for them for months. so refile any reports otherwise out there one may have filed and thought it went through.) but not before I got hung up on a few times. When I gave the Dallas ACS Headquarters address things seemd to change. For all I know the ones on the phone are in that very building of ACS's

                              CHANGE IN ATITTUDE

      NOW THAT WE HAVE THE FINAL PIECE OF INFO AS TO WHERE FED BLUSES GETS THER MISINFORMATION AND THEY HAVE ACTED ON IT.  Attn is all on ACS-Xerox and Ursula Burns is CEO Lynn Blodgett's boss. and could well end up on the top as he controls the flow of info even they get. So does she know what a mess Xerox bought and the power and control they hove around the world inside govts?



 Maybe? Ms Ursula Burns CEO of Xerox a Rothschild subsidiary? rEally has not knowN what they acquired and that the informaTIn of all of their employees and companies is under ACS's control, too.  ITS ONE THING TO SERVE THE PEOPLE WITH ETHICS AND INTEGRITY.  But remember there is a million dollars missing given to ACS to pay for special handling for my case and for each of us with older complex life sustaining needs at federal workers ocmp and the emoney dispapeared and so did our files which never got posted. but what did get posted showed the money and calcenter eplyees at irst thought it was that we eah got it ourelves? If I had it, I'd be glad to pay my own bills. But the law doens't yet allow for that I don't think? SPELL CHECK IS NOT WORKING AND I'M SO TIRED AS A CARD NUMBER OF MINE GOT STOLEN AND USED BY A FICTICOUS CYBER COMPANY IT SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN SET UP TO BUY FROM THIEVES INSIDE MERCHANTS. SO WE HAD TO CALL AND REDIRECT PAYMENTS, ETC. I always check acocunts and cards daily and I caught it when a .50 pre auth posted nad called immedialty as didn't reocgnize it and did not purchase anything recently. saving every penny for a new tank if the worse occurs and have to buy rather than orderd by those in the higher ranks documented as orderd a long time ago. and so far have not succeeded. THANKS TO THE NICE PEOPLE IN LYLE MN WhO TALKED WITH ME AND SAID NO SUCH COMPANY EXISTED THERE AND ITS A TOWN OF 600 PEOPLE. Good people do exist all over this nation and I have tremendous faith that we can get this mess created figured out for all of us no matter how the evil one tries to pull us apart. Linda Joy Adams 2/26/14

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