
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Daily Recap 12/30/13: Linda Joy Adams: Violations of civil rights page 19: explanation of organizations of filings: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Linda Joy Adams: Violations of civil rights page 19: explanation of organization of filings Click the link to filing with govt and an updated lengthy comment. Its late and busy day.
Talked with another Health insurer Anthem Blues and they don't seem to be having the problem of Preventative care tests getting paid at 100%.
Why is the Dallas Region Feds seem so 'out of legal control?'Or is it everywhere with only an occasional area run as govt should be.
Many rank and file seem nice and professional but can't do anything against some higher ups who seem to been breaking laws for years and getting by with it. Someone, like me, comes along with a modicum of knowledge and training obtained back when govt officials were expected to take a section of laws and regulations and apply them to whatever ones job was for from info gathered in all fields. Govt jobs are either those who make decisions in all fields, and those who support the decision makers and/ or handle appeals if thses who come before the govt do not consider the decisions right or fair. Plus management and ther support to administer it all.' Seems as if the purpose of what federal empoyees are to do has been lost as the work gets turned over to govt contractors who don't have the authority to make the
decisions so that govt 'works,' We we have is muddle and bluff and no way to solve real issues as it doesn't fit into a computer screen field and no one knows what to do and won't go back to the govt officials to get resolution and they were never trained to do what is needed done, either. Response seems to be, hire another contractor to study and muddle and bluff some more and let big money dictate justice and fairness? The appeals process and access to courts after the agency process is so decisions cann be made based on law and regs, and constitution and we were trained, years ago, on Congressional intent and had testimony from Congressional Hearings as a guide. Unfortunately, those don't always occur anymore so what Congress intended is hidden in a voluminous bill few even read before voting on.
Those congressional Hearings used to be vitally important as experts and witnesses gave info and a vote was made as to which course the new law would go and what it was meant tp accomplish.
Few seem to know what I'm even referring to and lost even more is a concept of "precedent case" where one case decsion could change how a law iinterpreted by the agency, especially, a Hearing which might illustrate an in equity in how regs or policy has been carried out. One did not have to end up with long court battles and as govt worked and injustice was discovered and correction in the lower levels of govt. .
CONGRATULATIONS ON CARMEN, facebook friend, on new grandchild. Our children are our blessed future. We need to solve this mess created so the world they grow up in is better that the current state of affairs.
Spel check not working and a pop up over part of this.
A Want to write some on the Georgia Guidestones. There is a different interpretation of the sayings than some are saying. Much of the phrases were taught to me in a different context by my Dad and in no way advocated some kind of horrendous population control as China, etc has had.. Money and brains spent on war has kept us from colonizing other planets..Just be aware that one phrase can have more than one meaning. We each were blessed with a brain and think for ourselves and we don't always agree on things.
Linda Joy Adams 12/30/13

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