
Monday, November 18, 2013

Daily Recap 11/18/13: Deadly New Medical Data Systems: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Humans Are Not from Earth, Expert Claims ~ RiseEarth
Click the link for a published comment from me. For those of faith , don't forget what you are reading and seeing today are the modern versions of Biblical Interpretation. When one reads ths Bible very literally, these kinds of responses may hold some truths in them. Don't forget we are dealing with 1/3 of the angels that fell and certainly they should not be listened to. Abraham sat and ate with two angels according to the Bible. So, what did ancient humans know that we are missing knowledge of?
As theories are circulating about the uses of pyramids for some kind of energy force, I've often wondered if the burial mounds were/are not also some kind of weather controls due to ancient legends to not mess with them. Topeka Ks had their big Tornado in the 60's after they forgot the legend of the Native American; Chief Burnett who had said the mounds in the area were protecting the Kaw Valley from Tornados and as soon as the City of Toepka decded to chop off the side of the first one overlooking the city and put in a water resevoir, in a few years a major tornado cut a wide swath through the City of Topeka and leveled Washburn University. What has humanity forgotten because we have had our history 'cenosred'by those who tried to control the masses by not letting us know what we needed to know for the better life for all? So, as you watch 'Ancient Aliens', etc and read all that is out there; keep your Bible handy to cross check back as to what it says about all of this. And if the 'aliens' contact us, be alert as to whether you are in contact with a g'ood guy' or a 'bad guy!'
So far, no 'alien' as chosen to speak to me; so I can't give you any eyewitness insight on the matter.
Still not getting a full eight hours of sleep as the liquid oxygen tank has to be lowered and raised every couple of hours to keep the prescribed flow coming and I wake up with chest pains and severe headaches and brething difficulties when it gets too low. Recent bloodwork showed me with a kind of anemia realted to oxygen not assimilating the blood properly.
I caught a viral infection, then had excessive bleeding, nose bleeds, etc, and trying to figure out what I ate or drank that had too much formaldehydge as many things now contain aspartane and FDA doesn't require labeling any more.All in the HHS Civil rights compiants filed since 1/08 wwhich Dallas REg Manager Ralph Rouse has never let be read. I name him as he is directly involved in this action.

If the ten million plus of us who have ensitivities were treated fairly then , we would have the substances which harm us labeled on our foods, just as those with peanut and soy allergies,etc. do. I just ask for equal rights to live and not be harmed by an FDA who seems to be 'bought and paid for' by those who produce and make lots of money from toxins and chemical and toxic producing GMO's.(Not all hybrids do)
So have not been very well and have all kinds of deadlines of different paperwork that needs to be sent to many places.
Had an appt with one of my doctors nd had to spend some extra time as he had to get the new software program set up and info entered forthe new world order universal network.. IT discriminaes against us, too.
All one can enter is allergies and not chemical sensitives or adverse resactionsl and now real Double speak of '1984' Orwell has become the new language. I read now, that cancer isn't always cancer any more so fewer will have that disease. And now those of us who suffer from chemical sensitivies have been 'elimimated' and the new software will see its done.
An allergic reation often requires an opposite treatment than for us. So, how can we protect ourselves when so many who may be treating us pull this up? Add in Anti-histmaine as an allergy? That way no doctor will prescribe one and make our condition worse. Want to know more go read some medical journals or ask ones doctor. So every adverse reactian is an allergy even though the scientists say they're are different and not treated the same. I actually have always had a ragweed allergy in the Fall and since 1/10/89 when injured, I now find it a 'blessing' as it gets a different kind of fluid reaction to moisten the mucous membranes. Not all discharges are the same, but science has little to do, it seems , with the future of health care. if those programming these computers have anything to do with it?
I learned several years ago, that my pharmacist could not check his system to check for adverse medicine reactions as its only programmed for allergies and my severs life threatening reaticons are related to the chemical sensitivies I have since injured, 1/10/89 at the Social Security Teleservice center, 2 Journal Square, Jersey City NJ 1/10/89 on the 9th floor along with co workers, and too many have since died.And 'Govt' says due to their injuries and the cover up continues to this day of what occurred. Uknown unitl afterwards, we were in a new Hartz Mountain Industries building that could never have passed city, state or federal inspection for us to be there and on that fateful day the gas detectors were turned off as the fire dept had threatend to close the place until problems were fixed after citing them. Turning off the detectors 'fixed' too many of us into premature deaths. No one goes to jail for crimes as workers comp injures are a civil matter. (Read more here written previously.)
So polluters can go pollute the air, water and create toxic foods and no one will get sick as everyone only has allergies and one can be given antihistamines to make them sicker and have them breathe in high levels of ozone from oxoone emitting oxygen concentrators and die sooner so polluters can keep on makiong profits while they get rid of any one in the roade of profits. I guess 'they' don't seenm to think they are humans who could get sick and die, too. Hmm, maybe they are 'aliens?' The 'bad guys' have 'invaded'and are now in charge?" Rather,I believe, bad tendencies have taken over some of those who have gained great wealth and power.He 'playground bullies' have been allowed by us to take charge forgetting and 'we' out number them.
So been resting and sleeping and not getting much done on line. Family helps and is a real blessing. Three of our doctors made the list for best doctors in Dallas this month. Congratulations!
While at one of my doctors, who is not directly involved in prescribiing oxygen, etc., it was revealed to us, ( Doyle was with me) that for four months it had been spewed aorund among the medical community that my cardidologist and new pulmonologist in Dallas had not rerun the tests to qualify me for oxygen in 7/13. As I've wrtten before, the current govt guidelines require ones doctor to commit malpractice to prove the need. In my case, due to very limited flow from the defective tanks, I had come to doctors with out oxygen and was in distress already and so they were able to proceed and run the tests. And I learned that when one is testing for pulmonary hypertension as cause and underlying need for oxygen, many in the medical community do not follow the steps involved to prove it. ITS not just putting an oxymeter on ones finger and getting a 'sat' rate. as one can be in an adrenal rush, heart goes out of normal sinus rhythm and create for a short time a high o2 rate until ones heart fails and if not treated one dies. One needs to have an IKG going at the same time. Thus as one doctor said, no doctor is going to be allwed to run this test and hospials and malpractice insurers are not allowing doctors to put an EKG and oximeter on patients at the same time as it documents the need for oxygen and shows the inducing of organ failure when one is exercised. My doctors did this as I was already in distress.
But, the forms and prescriptions and reports got written separately and someone spewd out that my doctors looked at an old test result from years ago and just signed again I had a low sat rate. Someone ignored that the prior one said 85% in 2004 and not the new one of 88%. My doctor ended the test as soon as it got that low. Without oxygen, it graudally goes to 0% and one is dead. The govt lowered the % back in the 90's a few degrees causing this required malpractice situation and it was not necessary to do this to establish the diagnosis which in itelf qualifies one medically for home oxygen and has for years, but the medical guidelines are not being followed by the partners of medicare so lawlessness is becoming deadly for too many of us in this world. (I am not a doctor, but am and have been a patient of many good doctors and many whom are published by peer journals and leaders in their fields.)
And in the meantime, the new director of Medicare is being ignored who said , once one is qualified for life, one doesn't have to keep being retested. and on going threat to life continue and put doctors in a potential malpractice setting where something can go badly wrong.I;vebeen approved for life by all three of my health plans and was assured this would never happen but denial of care by the only supplier in the area is allowed to occur by a govt that allowed two regs to be passed to get rid of the large companies competiton which had been delivering liuid oxygen more cheaply by the smaller medcial suppliers back in 1/08; then too many have and are losing the right to life before they should.
NO ONE SPEWING ON THE MISINFORMATION BOTHERED TO CONTACT THE DOCTORS TO VERIFY WHEN THEY TESTS WERE DONE? We know more not being shared publically at this time. If one cares, then one rechecks facts with the original source when a life is at stake. Thanks to the doctor who asked about this to let us know. I would be dead, if a party had not explained more about how to work with a defective liquid oxygen tank. That is a certainty. As getting to a hospital in time, might end up with an antihistamine given for treatment the way the medical care has been so far removed from the doctors control who have been trained to know. Doctors are being put in a system where to survive they must 'go along to get along' and that's becoming an impossible situation for good medical care when profits by a few making maoney is in charge and not those trying to preserve and maintain health and life. PRAY FOR DOCTORS ON THE FRONT LINE OF RIGHT OF LIFE/
So, need to recontact the doctors who ran the tests and get the full notes and submit those with the two reports. The echo stress reported on the heart, but the o2 sat rates was reported sepaately, even though it was done at the same time as the machine only reproted the heart info..
Part of the test occurred after exercise as I layed down for 40 minutes and the saturation oxygen rate kept on dropping off of oxygen. My new pulmonologist said the last part of the test is when one is then given oxygen and the sat rate comes back to normal in the upper 90's as mine does. And the prescirbed liter flow depends on whether its being maintained at about 98% with heart in normal sinus rhythm and not in distress. which is where it needs to be on me to not have angina pains,etc. Medical treatment is very complex and its why doctors study for years and then 'practice' medicine for a life time to get it better for all of us. Are the medical schools no longer teaching technicians the basic any more for toxic and chemical injuries and how to treat them?
There has been nothing much new In the way of treatment for us in the last two decades. Even what has worked is being taken away and nothing life saving replacing it.
My 'faith book', the Bible; says that the Holy Spirit has been poured out on 'all' flesh. That's a gift of life and love, not one of death and destruction. We need to respect the right of each of us to survive.
There s no spell check on this blog working and when it posts it does with out paragraph indentions, so forgive me my efforts if not perfection. My love and prayers go out to all of those praying and thinking good thoughts my way. Maybe the misinformation spewed around for the last 4 months can get corrected and the one supplier of liquid oxygen will consider providing the care which three health plans have me approved for life for. HR 1063 now passed and law; says I don't have to worry about the correct plan paying first as its again the govt's responsiblity to see the right one does and the Medciare safety net can go ahead and pay and the govt is now responsible to get the primary to pay. Pray for CEO Lynn Blodgett at ACS-Xerox the contrctor for US Dept of Labor, as medicare appellate judge on case Mo9-!406 decision said its Fed wrkers comp bills. But he is following 'orders not to post my files and not to do as 15 judges and two hearing officers have ordered done on an established case with permanent medical benifits.' Maybe he will recheck with the original source and find that that person is now a convicted criminal in the Jack Abramoff bribery scandal. and He has over a decdee of unprocessed oxygen claims , not processed as his manager and others have said the claims would be paid and the 'Gig' would be up! My life is not a 'gig' or a game. Its my life and I choose to live it for many more years. And I want everyone else to have that same right also.
Linda Joy Adams 11/18/13

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