
Monday, August 19, 2013

Daily recap 8/17-13-8/19/13: New Info shared ( Click the link to facebook) On Birth: President Obama Born In Topeka ks

Linda Joy Adams click the link to my facebook page posted 8/19/13 at 11:55 pm cst USA Thanks to all for prayers and support and its not over yet as the liablity insurers for the buiding where we were all injured and too many died back on 1/89. So we keep lowering and rolling the tanks I have and so far I get an average of 2 liters per of oxygen from it. And all cauttion is used. This whole issue of the patient and injured workers having to take on mega, international cabal's insurance compnay in order to get their health insurance or workers comp to pay anything has created horrific injustice as few ever are able to get any kind of income from it and federal workers are only getting the money to repay the taxpayers, so why is the govt obatrurting the tapayers gettinng repaid and coveroing up felony murders and ilelgal injuries which shodl be attempted murder until death of their injuries?. Wouldn't surporse me if Lynn Blodgett's company ACS-Xerox has the samee insurance company, or probably are stockholders in it. TRUST Busting is is really not what one thinks it is. When all the parties one is up against are all insurerd by the same entity and may be a major sotckholder in that the insruance comapny on top fo that. to be the parent company behind the obstruction of my right to breathe now through being the insurer ofr osygen dleivery companies and medical supply companies. Spell check is not working on this site at all. besides the civil wrongs going on in many cases jsut like mine, is the injstice of igonroing and allowing those allegedly guilty of crimes to get by and do the cover up of their own 'dirty deeds.' And I see it happening over and over in most mega disstiers involving toxins and chemicals. Crminal negligence casing terirble injries and deaths and then cover ups an donb going obstructions of medical care. TRUST BUSTING in the Modern Era has to deal with the liablity insurers stopping any sense of justice. It aes a mockery of our legal system both civil and criminal. Any real Tort reform needs to start with all parties being able to be treated farily and and equally before the scales of justice. I;m not speking of huge moentary decisons. I;m speaking of jsut winning the right to life. And why should that be an issue? Its become the 'extortion' used so care and due diligence to never commit the civil oriminal wrongs are ignored and bad behaviours do not stop and more people get injured over and over. The system is failing us-ITS COLLAPSED and Congress refuses to address these basic issues that need attention. My insrucne is as as good as any one else getting oxygen delivered and all three have been paid and nk well know the clims will get paid by some or all of the three- so ther liblity insurer says I am on ther 'hit list?' aog with how many others who went aobut ther lives and someon;s worng acts casued them to get injrued and our system says, no medcial care to live ulessl you go to court and sue the third party.And the third party's insurance is in control of every phase of ones life and attept to get the medical care in the first place. And the govt contractor's has the same insurer? Same shareholders? mAybe hidden by owners of owners making it difficult to kow who owns what and with these mega companies wantin to o private, even the govt can;t find out. and who is in charge there? someone;s paid off plant? Not supposed to appen, but until the US Justice dept clenas house in the unit to investigiate these kinds of crimes not much is going to be made right and this didn't start in 2009. Its been getting gradually worse over the last decades. There are so many subsidiaries allowed to be created to separate themselves 'legally' to give a fake appearance of separation, but yet who are the shareholders of each? Our laws are so 'out of date; to deal with the modern world. Impeachemnt of Clintonthat went no where was a smike screen that stopped a lot fo really good work going on in Congress. And there are attempts to create one or more of these smoke screens again. states regulate insruance comapnies and they nned to work toeghter to take on this unfair payaing fiedl that obstructs the basic rights of life,ierty and pursusit of happiness. This is not aobut big setltmemnts as those are very rare. most who get injred in such situations beyond their control, are caught in a web of deceit they often have no idea they are caught in, until they can;t even buy a tank to put some oxygen in to keep breathing. I'm really tired and no spell check to edit on blogger. com for some reason. Linda Joy Adams 8/19/13

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