
Friday, April 26, 2013

DAILY MIDCAP 4/26/13: Follow up nth time from 1996 filing FECA/OWCP: President Obama Born in Topeka Ks

Linda Joy Adams: Violations of civil rights page 31: owcp reconsideration on schedule award issue and request to make ACS give you the files click the link and comment of no response to any request and the 2009 letter rorm Jeanne Graham who tried to remind everyone where the case really was? the permanent disability just  before she retired as she remembered the case and next examiner followed up and then files and facts disappeared again inside ACS..
ACS will not permit the US dept of Labor to have Judges, orders, files, etc. under some ones  orders from who?
CEO Lynn Blodgett doesn't like me personally or who is he taking orders from and forgetting ethics and anything legal.?
Then spent an hour siting in the garden transplanting Tomatoes and Peppers ad Basil and planting beans.
Earlier had gone out and picked veggies. Planted some Cosmos and Basil and Jalapeno peppers in containers.that were now emptied of the other seedlings.
 Supposed to rain tonight, if it doesn't will need to water garden tomorrow.
Then had to rest.
In Daily Recap will respond to Orly Taitz's latest filing. with SSA.
and a former article at Western Journalism on 1940 US Census record  Busted and a posted comment from a woman with three ssn's and she had not filed for three. Could the President be Innocent of the charges due to the hacking and weakness in security on the system which I've documented as occurring on my personal claims file records and the Head of IT for SSA coudln't get Comisisoner Astrue to allow an investigation?

Linda Joy Adams 4/26/13

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