
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Daily Recap 3/27/13: The Sod House: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

 Daily Recap 3/27/13: The Sod House: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks Flickr: Your Photostream:
 Spring may finally be here, yet a little cool. Went to garden and planted some Green and yellow beans and the last part of a packet of radishes. Moon has changed and  time to plant root crops for next couple of weeks. Also picked rashes to eat and there.s nothing like food savored that one has grown. Carrots, lettuce and turnips growing and within a month should have some snow peas.  Tomato and pepper seedlings seem to be doing okay in their larger containers. to be ready to transplant later on.
 Only mail was those wanting to sell us something. Sorry, no money to buy. Save the paper and postage. As long as Lynn Blodgett CEO of Affiliated computer services won't obey 15 federal judges and two hearing officers, what can one injured federal worker do when he is subject to no laws, judges orders or contract agreements. Ms Carter, my claims examiner, doesn't even have the 2/09 Judges orders that say listen to me for the facsts of the case and reconstruct the misisng sets of the files from my records.( i.e don't listen to rumors and gossip and that I did return to work in 1990, even if SSA won't fill out the forms the laws says they are to do. for my leave record.;( in other words , get rid of these crooks stealing and obstructing justice and don't renew the contract with ACS... is what they said in those convoluted legal terms) , nor my latest filing to know that everything is timely filed. and pending an dome items are considered 'new' have been pending for 24 years as no one has been allowed to process them. For over 24+ years, every file or computer file has been messed with eventually in any federal office and now inside the contractors that have coup d'etated the USA and other Nations.  For 24 years+, on a non controverted, accepted and established case with permanent medical benefits;Someone starts processing the case and things start getting worked and paid and then someone makes the file disappears ( a felony) and another round of appeals gets another remand from Judges and the process starts all over until the govt contractor acs took over and they have disappeared even the reconstruction, the former Us Sec of Labor's staff Chaio had made arrangements to  get to them and post.
 So if the President and Cabinent has no authority over the executive branch of govt anymore, then that's a coup d'etat. All those hating the president and the former president, may be should start investigating why Congress has allowed this takeover of the nation by an international cabal of financiallly interlocked  companies that have skimmed and stolen so much of our monies and that of other Nations that are planning, according to news sources. to buy back their stock and become private and then not even the SEC or govt or any one will be able to find out who is in charge.  Private means, one can't go buy stock and get access to the records. Now; does any one understand why I don't say the President Obama or even George W Bush is the anti- Christ, as neither still had the powers of the Constitution afforded them. Are either of them is  in charge of these companies, are they? If so, in secret deals, then that's another matter. But that has not been revealed to me, yet.  Who really holds the power?. Is this what the Bible means when it says when the restrainer is removed we will know. What is the restrainer? The rule of law? Or the Holy Spirit or the church?  What has happened to my family and I shows there are no rules, no laws being obeyed much any more. Congress did pass and the president sign HR 1063 in 1/11/13 and this should have been a big step to bringing the rule of law back into the health care system in ways that are complex but understood by one like me, who has worked inside the govt programs since 1968.  But the Sec of HHS has not yet formally notified all those that can be fined for illegal actions and thefts to this day that I am aware. of. That has to occur and the $1000 a day fines on just the claims processed on my family and I should already be netting Medicare millions of dollars.  OIG for HHS's  employees are aware as they have been geitting my complaints for years as Congress has prohibited them for stopping a trillion dollar theft of Medicare by the partners of Medicare. And these kinds of things have been going on through out the govt. We are not broke or  in an economic down turn: WE HAVE BEEN ROBBED and Congresses let it happen by not  reading phrases stuck into bills they voted on and didn't read or understand what was in them ( hearings would have exposed this) plus allowing no rule of law and crimienal prosecutions for the real culprits in this corrupted mess. When something does happen that's a step in the right directions, then its getting ignored by the agency involved. Does the president know this? Have his advisors not told him? Since there is a lot to do in  the white house, but someone is repsonsible for seeing new laws are implemented as its a constitutional requriement for the president to carry out the laws Congress passes and he signs. And he said when signing it that it might not be enough. I think it s eneugh, as the original 1981 law reenfroces it that Sec of HHS Donna Shalala decided  to stop enforcing it and clolapsed the healht care system as no one had to 'play by the rules' any more and the liabillity insurance indsutry went 'rogue'. making illegal proprietary agreements with the partners of Medciare that meant they wouldn't obey the law, judges orders or even terms of their govt contracts.
                                           PROPHETIC SCRIPTURES
Today the Bible opened to Isaiah 28: The following scriptures spoke to me as they are exactly what I've been triyng to do in this Daily Recaps maybe against the modern  day symbols for the ones  the scriptures were directed  to in ancient times. \
verse 13: " But the word of the Lord ( Yahuah, Yahusha, Ruah) was to them,  'Precept upon precept,  Line upon line, Here a little , there a little' That they jmght go  and fall backward and be broken and snared and caught "
verse 15"... For we have made lies our refuge , and under falsehood we have hidden ourselves."
verse 17" Also I will make justice the measuring line, And righteousness the plummet; The hail will sweep away  the refuge of lies."
verse 19 ".. it will be a terror just to understand  the report.."
 Understanding what has already occurred and is happening right now is a real terror report.   Its a very convoluted step by step coup d'etat  that  has and is occurring, and its not easy to ferret it out when one has not lived through years of udnerstanding of the inner workings of the govt bureaucracy. Often one deosn't  even know where to start to ask the questions.
And the convoluted mixed up bios of the president and his grandparents has  created awful confusion. The main media had the resources to vet this and help out and never did. They were too willing to go along and not care. Not care about the world and the consequences. They laid off their researchers soon after the patriot ACT was passed a decade ago. and not ever one on camera has the time to even do online searches for info and where to search as that's a skill in itself, that I don't have mastered yet. Nor can afford some of the search sites that would help. I have no proof the president has ever been told the truth of his origens, but  if he has known and lied then that's a grave disappointment, but I do understand how such a thing could occur in this extended family.
I left a message on phone line for Orly Taitz today. She finally is doing something 'right.' She took  the info she has gathered about use of SSN's that do not belong to the president and took them into the Ct Social Security office and filed criminal  complaints. They should forward this to the Office of Ispector general But the article she wrote did not mention that she did a criminal  complaints nor the report would go to OIG headquarters. So it does sound  oas if she really may not unmderstand the processes of the Federal beaurcracy. This should have been the first step of any one with  evidence of misuse of SSN's. The problem is Ms Taitz:;OIG for SSA no longer does this? They are going to Lock Heed Martin at the Federal Trade Commission, they will probably be the ones that get the reports... The medis attn means little if the right parties do not get this. She shuold follow up with a certifed postal filing of copies to both FTC and SSA. OIG.  With some media attn maybe she can accomplish with her filing, what I can't with even dead federal workers as a result of the some of the crimes which are a part of what is still oing on with us.
In the first line of this posting is a link to Flickr Phots. Today I posted three more.
15. is the 12/61 Topeka High school Madrigal singers Christmas Postcard which we got to send out .
In this day and age one would be allowed to get these through a public school that said Merry Christmas on them. And a lot of our perfomomanes  would never have occurred with the donations to the music dept since they were in places of faith and we sang songs that mentioned God also including some for the Jewish faith, too. We used to think that was being fair.  I'm the second from the right in the back row.
We often sang three or more times a week somewhere. One Christmas season we had 14 concernts in a week.  We had Madrigals at lunch hour which was hour and 1/2 class time and most were at luncheon times. But we also performed other times. My mother , Florence Hardy sewed and made my formals And we needed multiple ones, long and short. 
As I had said before one rating done  on high schools place Topeka HS in the top 5 in the nation over all and second in the fine arts. We beat out Beverly Hills HS and came in second  to The New York High school for perfomrming arts.  We were more into the classical  music, but sang all kinds of music. We did not include dance, but I was in Modern Dance Club and did shows with them. Orchestra and bands were also better than almost any college level group.  The intent to stop bullying and any racism, created a serious learning environment and it paid off with national awards in every field.  Was there always fairness in everything, no.
 But as the orchestra teacher said to me at the music festival after the gossip ferny 'being; egged on by those from westboro Baptist tied into me after speaking crudely  in fornt of  the president''sad as he was preparing to enter the auditorium to sing with the Boy's Glee club said: they couldn't anything if off  school property. As they show up at Soldiers funerals, remember they have been at this for over 50+ years over one topic or another. And  according to what we were always told, they're relatives of the president's maternal grandmother Tut, whom the family called Marilyn, but the media says is Madelyn. But what do they know? Not much.
The sadness is that his Dad probably would have been part of this group as one of the best singers in the school. 
 16. SOD HOUSE: This s the home that two parents and five siblings arrived at in about? 1920  near Haxtun Colorado. Dad said they built it from Sod bricks and when I visited there in 1953 it had been added on to and modernied. But it was cool in the summer inside. They were known and buried inthe Haxtun cemetery as Delbert Hardy in 1933 and Elizabeth Jane  a few years earlier, They did not do very well physically. Mom knew them soon after they arrived and they were buying  expensive canned goods and didn't know how to garden. Everyone in the area grew Tomatoes and canned them for citrus and they didn't know that as oranges and other citrus was rarely in  thee grocery store and very expensive. 
My mother was an eye witness to when this family moved into the area and what things were like and within a few years she married the Son in 1922 and lived in a portion of the land that was deeded  to them.
The bio out in the historical sources does not match and  wasn' until 1953, my mother began to put the pieces togeether but didn't share what she knew with me and Dad would not talk, Once or twice he shared  things with me that were far different ifrom family history, I'd been told..  But for now am discussing the president's more direct ancestry.
17. These are the older of the Hardy grand children. Ellsworth Lewman, Hazel Hardy Lewman's son is the oldest born  1924 according to the notebook page of my mother'  on flickr. According to that and confirmed by the 1940 census records,Dan Pope the president;s grandfather was not born  until 1930. But was tall like his dad and the president has his height, too. Aunt Pearl marreid Tom Vallier from Iowa and they lived there. When Ellsworth Lewman was murdered, Hazel moved to Denver and went to nursing school and worked there until retirement. But the others remained near Haxtun and spent a lot of time together. I would say the picture was taken in 1929 or early 1930 before Daniel Wayne Pope was born, who stole Stanley Dunham;s wallet to go to WWII when way too young.
                                          Witnesses wanted to share info
I mentioned  yesterday about a letter Ii found from 1974, I'm trying to find the rest of it and envelope as I don't know who wrote it, only that it speaks about what several of the family is doing and that Marlyn the president's grandmother had  back surgery. I don't know if this is a first or second hand account. so am still searching. I only had one day to sort through mom's house before I had to fly back to Philadelphia area  in 1996 to continue Seminary classes and  Church duties at Eastern Baptist TheologicalSeminary( Now Palmer) Doyle stayed behind.)  Personal items wanted and appears, etc got gathered  very quickly and then we moved twice since, and things have really been jumbled. and the fight for life happened soon after moving here and my Federal workers comp file got into Dallas and criminal acts  started occurring on disappearances of the 4 years of the file to make it look as if I'd not returned to work in 1990 setting another medical precedent that removal of chemical barriers would be done by HHS and nothing done and EEOC sanctions against HHS for torture to the pointof injury death over what occurred. Federal employees have known since 1979 what is coming for all next year and its no constitutional rights, not even of life if one is under corrupted high level officials & contractors. IN our case a cover up of the causes & info that led to 9/11/01. Unfetterd crimines must be stopped as these  actions  can casue  WWIII. It all unravels back to three dead in the Kansas river and the other victim a young 15 year old pregnant girl and her unborn child, who is now president of the USA and authorities in power who did nothing about three dead in the river and only wanted her to shut up.
Uncaring of authorities can lead to horrible endings. The only good was a change in whom the people elected next to be Sheriff. And that law enforcement entity is the true reflection and representative of the local people and every election needs to be taken very seriously. But if people will not talk, cold cases are not easily solved, especially foro an era before all the forensic science we have today.
"The Judges, both of the supreme and inferiour Courts, shall hold ther Offices during good Behavior "
Lifetime appointments? as long as they hold up to ethical conduct. They can be removed for not being so.
 (spellcheck stopped working so please forgive any missed typos)
Tomorrow: Back to the Garden? Linda Joy Adams 3/27/13

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