
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Daily Recap 11/27/12: Unfettered Cruelty: President Obama Born In Topeka KS

Daily Recap 11/27/12: Unfettered Cruelty: President Obama Born In Topeka KS: Chilly but Sunny Day. Only mail was shopper and an ad. No money, no letter saying the govt and govt contractors will obey the laws, contract terms or federal judges. Thom Hartmann 's announcement for his show, which I missed, was to include what I have been writing about for four years. The Coup d'etat of the USA and other nations by  a cabal that included Goldman in Dallas in 1983. A step by step process and take over and theft of the public monies by a few who already had great power and would gain more and more wealth. And keep this Nation's people polarized  like  in  the last election that included support for the birth er movement when they knew full well President Obama was born in Topeka KS.
Doyle ad I sat down to work on all the various filings that need to get done to preserve our rights to life and property due to the entrenched corrupt higher officials that our govt cannot stop from their abuses of power nor on going theft of the public monies.
By end of 12/12, I have to get filed with filing proof the compound prescription I have been paying for ourselves since 4/11/.A $25 presumption compound that replaced a $179 inhaler and seems to be working better, once we got the dosage correct. These were filed almost a year ago and they keep going missing and all kinds of problems and the Pharmacy can't input the claims as they reject for some reason, I have been told every excuse one could possible concieve.
The last time I contacted Caremark, which has the Fed Blues contract, was they needed to go to Medco for 2011. I phoned the phone number on the medco forms I had been sent as the forms were not the correct ones. They were for a new unfilled prescription to be attached. The party that answered on the medco forms was Care mark.
Apparently Caremark has always had the retail pharmacy contractor but in 2011 medco had the contract for the mail order prescriptions. I knew better with all the problems not to send this prescriptions to mail order. and it disappear and not get the medicine which is basic cortisone steroid and necessary to reduce inflamation that even with using formaldehyde free products as much as possible, etc. it is just present in everything and sometimes get exposed not knowing. So my phone call to day was answered by a lower level person and the first thing he said was that compounds had to go to part D  Medicare first even though part d does not pay for compounds. My claims to Cigna when I thought this was biologicals have never been answered, any way and they said they don't; cover compounds. A lot of patients are using these and who covers them? No one? Aetna Part D did not say send them to them!
I got transferred to a supervisor and then to another party. I did find out that the forms I found online and completed to caremark for fed blues and the address in Phoenix is correct and the forms do not need to be redone. Why doesn't any one know or lie? when they don't know.? Peoples lives and livelihoods are at stake and they can't seem to realize it could be them as the patient. But as I have run into so often in recent years, we have some  that don't seem to think their own lives have value. That is so sad for them not to have the happiness that even people like me going through hardships knows about because we have the eternal promise and hope of faith. No wonder so many have addictions of one kind or another. they just don't have that eternal hope? In discussions to day, I gleaned one piece of info: I mentioned one name of a high level officer at OPM and got a surprising reaction. Has a 'person of interest ' in the embezzlement been located? Has this person told one part one thing about me and another something quite the contrary? Or has someone invoked that person's name as the source and the person in question is innocent of any crime? I did explain how I needed Fed Blues and Caremark and ssa and everyone else to stop saying OPM is a person. I need the name, business address, phone number and job title and any one who is carrying out an illegal order needs to have that, too. Even if one thinks everything is OK and takes and adverse reaction against someone, should get that info in order to turn states evidence if ever the govt is able again  to enforce its own laws.
Doyle had to leave for his volunteer work so we did not get much done, except the forms do not have to be redone is good to know and we can add in the rest of them. He's glad to know that.
While I was on the phone with the woman that can contact the retail pharmacy, she said she made the call and got an answer about the computer glitch at the pharmacy. At least a different answer than either Doyle , who usually picks up my medicine or I have been told. The claims have to be submitted by a pharmacy electronically. Paper can't be filed any more. When the computers are intentionally messed up by illegal altering and the secured info is still in there that OWCP is the first primary, then of course its not going through. Now I'm told the pharmacy will not submit electornically on anyone. I said because they are small and its costs them a lot of money to send them in and the cost is not cost effective? Is that just this year? Did not say I was wrong. As last year, I got another kind of prescirption filled there and it went through And I just paid the co pay.
A preferred provider of Fed Blues can ask for the money first but they are to give me a universal claim form so I can file it. I haven't gotten that either? Some how I'm still  not getting the truth of the matter.
Personally I think, due to Fed Blues intentionally altering the computer records by having Medicare Coordination of Benefits(Emblem Health) who owns the Medicare computer as a subsidiary of Emblem Health ( FORMERLY GROUP HEALTH BEFORE THEY WENT INTERNATIONAL) alter the info so Blues is secondary to Medicare but can't get owcp off of the system as the contract with the US dept of labor posts and Medicare Judges have said its accurate and no one is to violate that contract. The  Caremark person indicated that since the computers show Part D Medicare on there, a decision is needed from them, I don't get any formal notice with appeal rights ever!Constituion treashed? The first person I talked with said he knew Part D Medicare does not pay but a compound does count for the 'donut.' I said, I have special help and the state of OK? is having to pay over this and that is really theft of even state monies over this as happened on my Dyrenium when it got approved by Aetna Part D first.
Its like everyone thinks they know and the conflicts of info is overwhelming and the gossip frenzy inside the govt and their contractors just gets worse and worse. At least we don't have to redo the forms and can send them in certified to prove they were filed timely Now to get them paid for.
Since FDA discriminates against the 3 million like me in USA and all of those like me, are you really using those steroid inhalers that may not be safe for you? Just saw on line where there are some problems with one of them for many.. I said to the lady to today. My med watch to FDA on Severant and Tilade was filed 15 years before any warning lalbes put on the insert. When one has a chemical or toxic injury exposure, then ones treatment is sometimes the opposite of what most heart and lung and kidney paitentst, etc. safely need to preserve life and legtghen it as much as possible. Of course Ralph Rouse has not permitted one civil rights complaint for almost 5 years to be read and aswered by any one. in the Dallas Civil rights office for HHS.)HIPPA does not cover govt or govt contractors) Welcome to 2014 all of you 300 million that will soon have the same as under the federal plans. You think everything is going to be wonderful?  For many , there may be no problems as your illness and medical needs don't step on the toes of any wealthy and powerful, But for the incresing  rest; you don't want what is coming as its what I've been writing about. Thanks to Tom Hartmann for the first to begin to discuss this on TV.  Congress allowing and passing pieces of legislation stuck into various bills to allow a cabal to coup detat the USA. And the same has occurred in other nations.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS:  Had difficulty locating the 8/16/12 posting on face book to re post. I do have copies. finally did re post just ahead of his posting re posts of three more daTes of the eye witness account.  There is a picture of President Obama on line  being prayed over in a church type setting. I always pray for Our Presidents and other leaders. I don't have to agree with them, but they have the authority to make things right for me and all of us. We sent them there and they are our employees. There's info circulating about one  person on air party calling The President as savior and other titles. In our system our leaders are our employees. Christ said to be the head or greatest means one is the servant of all. Also responded to a Topeka Capital Jouranl article about immigration. in an interview with Mr Scoggins. We have ourselves to blame for letting our elected leaders for 25 years to not close the borders and allowed abuses occur of those who have 'treapassed ' into our country. Those that want to kick all of them out, how much did you do to get our elected officials to pass laws to close the border, or have a realistic worker program with those from South of our border?As we let the more powerful exploitthe labor of some of these people. Now we are faced with the common law of 'squaters rigths' and children brought here by parents who had no say in the matter. The 'latest' is try to decide which of those children are 'worthy.' How inhumane can we get? In 1922. all here before that date were given citizenship. Many of our ancestors, including some of mine got covered under that law.All one had to do is show residency before that date to get their Social security and medicare,etc.. Thre is precedent. I don't like it either, that people have trespassed into our country and our officials did nothing; just as nothing is being done to make things right in other areas, now. As I have written  about.  Its time for us to ask for accountability from all of those that did nothing for 25 years! And that includes the voters and those that did not vote who kept reelecting the 'do nothing' officials. And we are going to have to figure out something humane to handle the problems created as we did not ask them to do so as we kept reelecting the same people right back to Congress that refused to pass the needed, but humane laws.
BILL OF RIGHTS: Article VIII: "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." Been sharing the 10 Comnandments as a secular document for governing and the Bill of Rights and Constitution as a faith document.  We are to be a people of justice and freedom and humane treatment of those accused of crimes and those we, as a people, are forced to imprison to protect oureslves from those few that would do us harm. As  people of faith and /or accountability to history and to humanity itself the goal of imprisonment is redemption. We call it rehabilitation. A person is put in jail to not just punish but there is an underlying principle that time served may change behavior so they can be let free and do no harm. As Christ said: go and sin no more after there is a repentance of ones wrongs. Its expensive to the taxpayer to maintain prisons. Much cheaper to change behavior and have them 'sin no more.' Sometimes it does work, but often it does not. Studies have been done, which one can read. But humane treatment is more likely to have a rehabilitated person leave prison, rather than a more hardened criminal Hate and cruelty seems to just create more hatred and cruelty. Of course a society that cares and loves one another and especially children, should not be raising those that would do us harm or steal or any other kind of crime. Those wanting to cut benefits to the homeless and hungry which include a lot of children need to think about what our society is saying to all those children! Its not the money! Often its having those programs that "help others help themselves." A quote from me, Linda Joy Hardy back in 1948 to then, Congressman Everett Dirksen who later became A long term US Senator. Revenge is based on hatred and often kills  not one, but two souls. The one hating and the one being hated. And currently we  are allowing a few bullies in this world to lead us into hating one another and they are the only winners as they amass more  wealth and power as we turn on each other.
 We have laws as to what punishments or fines is deemed fair for the offense committed. Judges are what the word says, they are to have judgement. Too often the individual circumstances vary from person to person as to harm done and often can't always be be judged by  the dollar amount of a theft.  A misdeamor and a small fine is not just punishment when ones actions caused people to die or lose all they have, is it.? On the other hand excessive charges brought because an overzealous and 'cruel' prosecutor wants to convict lots of people for political gain is not just either as they full well know that the party accused is not wealthy and can't get the 'dream team ' of lawyers to defend them. One is Innocent until proven guilty and our gossip frenzies , too often affect what those given the authority to try the matter, do to the accused or finding  someone to accuse.We can't lose our humanity and want cruelty. If the offenses are cruel and cost lives, then that needs to be dealt with as the person is a real harm to society and must be stopped. But if the harming person is high level in authority and wealthy and has powerful connections, justice is often not being well served.
 When I saw all he people standing in line to vote and turning out in massive crowds, I felt very hopeful. Its not who they voted for, but they have awakened to know they are the govt and when we get 95% of the people voting for 10 years, I am very hopeful we will turn this nation around to the ideals of fairness and justice for all and all no one will go without and all will have dignity and be an individual and be able to be free in their own person.= No matter how diverse in our beliefs and opinions. Our Constitution is a document that can be amended as needed but its a document that allows all to be themselves and co exist with each other. just don't harm each other in doing so.
TOMORROW: LEAVE ME ALONE! Linda Joy Adams 11/27/12

1 comment:

Linda Joy Adams said...

Spell check worked most of the time, then stopped and then it actually started correcting for awhile after I had entered some rephrasing.